Letter from Najjar family (Palestine) to Women of Wonder (South Africa)



04 August 2018

Dear friends, dear comrades,

Thank you. Thank so much for your support and solidarity in our struggle against Israeli Apartheid.

We as the Al Najjar family are humbled by the Women of Wonder Bravery award being granted posthumously to our dear daughter, Razan Al Najjar.

Razan, a humanitarian at heart, was the personification of the gentleness yet fierceness of, both, Palestinian women and men.

We Palestinians fought, sacrificed and contributed to your struggle against Apartheid with no expectation of anything in return – we gave of ourselves because of the gross apartheid that you lived under and that we viewed as an abomination to any peace loving people.

It is this sense of internationalism and solidarity together with a revulsion of injustice that we see in you South Africans today as you stand with us in our struggle against Israeli Apartheid.

The killing of our angel, Razan, is a massive loss to us as a family. However, we Palestinians are not charity cases in need of handouts and that is why we respect the solidarity (not sympathy) that we receive from the streets of South Africa.

We are proud of your achievements and successes, for example, in terms of the BDS movement and its growth in South Africa. The South African government should be implementing sanctions against Israel starting with the implementation of the downgrade of the SA Embassy in Tel Aviv followed by more stringent actions as was carried out by other governments during the 1980s against Apartheid South Africa.

We are inspired by you and we hope to see stronger action and solidarity coming from the beloved land of Albertina Sisulu, Winnie Mandela, Sophie De Bruyn, Fatima Meer, Shamima Shaik, Zuliaka Mayet and the various other women who contributed and made unimaginable sacrifices for your liberation.

We hope to invite you to a free Palestine, very soon.

With love from occupied, besieged but not defeated Gaza.

Ashraf and Sabreen Najjar on behalf of the family of Razan Al Najjar

(Ashraf is the father and Sabreen is the mother of the deceased 21 year old Palestinian nurse, Razan Al Najjar.)