Letter of Complaint
The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is writing to express concern that the state of Israel is seemingly acting in a manner that undermines the values of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and to request that an inquiry be initiated in this matter. The AIC is concerned that Israel is violating its commitment to “protecting the ability of not-for-profit and civil society organisations to operate in ways consistent with our commitment to freedom of expression, association and opinion”. This commitment is enshrined in the Open Government Declaration which Israel accepted upon joining the OGP .

Specifically and in regard to the Alternative Information Center, Israel:
1. Severely restricts the freedom of movement of AIC staff and members:
2. Encourages action against “anti-Israeli”groups Alternative Information Center (AIC) The AIC is a non-profit association registered in Israel. Founded in 1986, the AIC acts to collect, research and disseminate information about issues related to society, policy, education, culture and labour relations. The methodology of the AIC is joint IsraeliPalestinian work to provide the most comprehensive understandings of the aforementioned issues in all of their facets in Israel and Israeli-controlled territories. Restrictions on freedom of movement Palestinian residents of the occupied Palestinian territory (OPTs) must receive individual permits from Israeli military authorities to leave and travel for specific purposes between the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, as well as to enter Israel. As detailed by the United Nations Secretary-General in a report dated 20 January 2016, the nature of restrictions on the freedom of movement in the West Bank are both physical (checkpoints, Separation Wall) and bureaucratic (permits, the closure of areas).

(Click here to Download Letter in PDF)